





Connect Consulting works closely with not for profit organisations, peak bodies, government and the private sector. 

We’ll help you review your organisation, structure or program, to deal with challenges, scope a new area of work or complete a specific project that builds capacity and increases impact.

Connect Consulting has a people centered approach that results in solutions and recommendations that increases capacity along the way.

Donna’s work has helped us embed our strategic directions into achievable, sustainable goals keeping Platform’s core business at the forefront while expanding our business footprint.
— Stephanie Oatley, CEO Platform Youth Services


tailored Services

Our consultancy practice is broad ranging and flexible. The types of projects that Connect Consulting regularly undertakes include:

  • Service and system design

  • Partnership development

  • Service reviews and evaluation

  • Strategic and Business Planning

  • Organisational Transformation

  • Governance review and support


Past Clients


Contact us to find out how Connect Consulting can support your next project